• Termite frenzy

    At the end of summer, a few days after the first rains, plates termites emerge by the thousands in a very short burst (1-3nights). When that happens, forget walking around at night with a torch, you'll be covered by them!! But if you can brave this, then you'll see that everything is feasting on the juicy flying insects in a frenzy! After flying from their nest, the plates soon drop their wings, find a mate and start digging to start a new colony.

    Termite frenzy

    Barcking gecko

    Termite frenzy

    Spider of some sort

    Termite frenzy

    Burrowing scorpion

    Termite frenzy

    A greedy one!

    Termite frenzy


    Termite frenzy

    The battle field...


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